Over these past few years, we have been introduced to many, many new things, like amazing new TVs, games and computers. With all this technology, people have created websites like Facebook, email, Windows Live Messenger, Twitter... etc. These websites have made a huge impact on our society. Today we ask ourselves, is social media making a good impact or a bad impact on our society? Well, there are always two sides of everything; it depends on your perspective on how you perceive it. With social media like this, you have advantages, and disadvantages. I, myself, have Facebook and email, and I really enjoy it. But I do feel a little insecure about some things.
I think social media is really fun, and great. It is a great way for people to interact, and a chance for people to meet new people. I think social media is more for kids, because us kids want to explore new things, and we find it very interesting. Social networks started as a place to connect with your friends in an easy an convenient way. I think that is important because you are able to strengthen your friendship with other people, and it is good for people to be socially active and involved. Us kids want to know everything that's happening, and especially now that we're teenagers, we want to stay updated on things that are happening in the social world.
However, if you're involved in social media, you have to have a sense of responsibility. People need to know their limits. Lately there has been talk about the death of the young Amanda Todd girl. This is how social media can be dangerous. Amanda Todd was being cyber bullied over Facebook, and was even being physically bullied at school. There have been so many issues with cyber bullying over the years, and it affected many people in our world. Cyber bullying has gotten out of hand now. Lately, because of cyber bullying, people have committed suicide. We always talk about bullying at school. We're always trying to stop it. But how? With all these social networks, people all over the world are using them, it's nearly impossible to stop. Cyber bullying is happening everywhere.
Cyber bullying is not the only issue with social networks, however. Safety is another thing that concerns me. I think Facebook, in particular, is an invasion of privacy. They ask for too much personal information, and that's what I don't like. On my Facebook account, I like to keep a private profile, only for my friends to see, because I feel more secure. Social network users need to be careful of what they're doing, because it could be dangerous and it could ruin their lives. I've heard about some issues with hackers, going into people's accounts and finding out all their information. This isn't really a common issue, but many kids don't take this seriously and do whatever they want, but they don't realize how it could effect them. Now with all these hackers, kids have to be careful, and be safe on their social networks.
I've also heard about people losing their jobs, because of what they do on their social networks. I believe a few years ago, a man lost his job, because he was having a party, and skipping work. He called in "sick", but a day later his boss found pictures of him at a party, on his Facebook.
All of these issues are a result of people not thinking of what they do, and how it could effect them. Many people lack responsibility and do very foolish things. It is not the social networks' fault. Social networks are a priviledge, they were made so people could interact with their friends and have fun. I think social media is great! It's a great thing to have, but the main issue with all these social networks, is safety and responsibility. There are no disadvantages to social networks, all it is, is that, people make wrong decisions.