Wednesday 24 October 2012

Curiosity Lands on Mars

   What I find most significant about the Curiosity's mission is that it may find valuable resources. I am very excited about this. The Curiosity is the most advanced rover NASA ever created. The Curiosity's mission is to, of course, find if there is or was life on Mars, "... a question that has puzzled people on Earth for centuries..." (Curiosity's Mission, page 2). I think that there is a high chance of the Curiosity discovering something valuable or important because NASA had spent a lot of time working on the rover, and this is the most advanced rover yet! The Curiosity has, "an array of scientific equipment, including high-definition cameras, a robotic arm with a power drill, a far-reaching laser beam for analyzing distant rocks, the world's best chemistry set and a powerful detector to measure surface radiation levels. A weather station on board will also provide valuable data about the climate." (Curiosity's Mission, page 2). I can't wait to hear future news about how the Curiosity's mission is going.
    In this article, it states that the Curiosity's mission is going to last at least two years. What I can infer from this is that the rover will find something valuable. The mission is going to last for a long time, so the Curiosity has a good chance of finding some resources. Two years will give the rover enough time to search around. I think that the Curiosity will discover water for sure, and possibly some life, because water is the key ingredient for life. So, where there's water, there's life. Mount Sharp is a mountain on Mars, that is five km high,created out of sedimentary rock. "Studies from orbit indicate that the bottom layers of this mountain contain clay and sulphates-materials that form in water." I am inferring that the Curiosity will find water, and this might give clues as to how Mars, a planet that used to be warm and wet, changed into what it is now, a cool and dry planet. NASA did a great job building the Curiosity and planning the mission. I think they will be successful.
It would be a very big, and significant event for NASA and all of mankind if the Curiosity found some kind of life on Mars. Why? Well, people have always been wondering if there has been or if there is life on Mars. Now, if we actually discovered that, we would be able to bring down one of the living organisms from Mars, referred to as Martians, and study them. We could learn everything about them, if they're useful, intelligent, or dangerous. Then, a brand new species would be introduced to Earth. They could help us improve our world, if they are super smart! If there is life on Mars, then we could maybe even live there! Most likely there will be all the required things needed for us to live. We may also find resources like, coal. If we do, then economically, our world would do better. Then we could rely on our non reusable resources more often. However, not only good things would come from the discovery of new life. What if Martians were evil? Then they may invade us, ruin our world! Now, that does sound a little crazy, but the possibilities are endless, and we'll never truly know until the Curiosity's mission is over. I will keep reading about the Curiosity's progress, but that is my opinion on NASA's Curiosity.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

My Day in History with Nikola Tesla

   If I had the chance to spend a day in history with anyone, I would choose Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla was a very smart and educated man. He was a Serbian inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and physicist. Tesla is best known for his design of the modern alternating current (AC) electrical supply system. Nikola Tesla is one of the best scientists in the world! He is one of my idols, he inspires me to explore science. I am very interested in the kind of work he does and I am planning to do my science fair project on his experiments, such as the alternating current, or the radio.

  Tesla came up with so many great inventions and it's hard to choose which one I like the most, but one really caught my interest, the x-ray. I would choose to go back to the year of 1894, so I could learn about the x-ray and possibly help Nikola Tesla build it. That would be awesome!
My dream is to go back in time, and work with  Nikola Tesla to create something new. A creation that he never thought of, or couldn't do because he died. I would help create something that could make us have a better future, with more advanced technology.

  We, Serbians, are very proud of what Nikola Tesla has accomplished and he is a very important figure to our people. Nikola Tesla worked in the United States and had a very big impact in North America due to his great inventions. I look up to Nikola Tesla for the great inventions he had made and for making our world a better place. That's why I dream about spending a day with him and experiencing how life was back then.

Monday 8 October 2012

Violent Teens

   This article, "Are violent teens suffering 'the rage of the unparented'?, was written and published in 2004. People may think that this does not concern us any more because it was eight years ago. Well, even today there are violent teens. There are murders, and robberies and many other criminal activities. This problem concerns us all and is very important. We need to keep a safe atmosphere in Toronto. It is dangerous for younger kids, as well as older kids and children.  Parents are more concerned and need to be careful with their children. When you are a young kid, you have a great time, but, when you grow up into a teenager, the world seems more violent. Kids are introduced to things like drugs, weapons, and they get surrounded by bad people, and let peer pressure get to them. I think that the main reason for teenagers acting like this, is due to a bad childhood.  Their parents didn't care for them, and they were probably abused. When they're young, they look up to their parents, and copy what they do. If there is violence at home and parents are not getting along, then when the kids grow up, they're filled with hatred and frustration, so they decide to do stupid things. In the article it says, "the engine of aggression is frustration." (Paragraph 7).

   As children grow up, they lose their connection to their parents, and start to think of their bad friends as role models. They start to rely on their friends. "Children relying on each other are unavoidably frustrated." (Paragraph 15). Parents are supposed to be our role models. They teach us what's right and what's wrong. As I was reading this article, I found something that I really agree with. Someone named Dr. Neufeld made a wise statement; "Kids were never meant to nurture one another, they are not up to the task. It's the immature leading the undeveloped." (Paragraph 14) That is very true. That's why it's important that parents lead us through the right path when we're young, before it's too late.
My parents always tell me to avoid the bad groups when I get into high school and to never get influenced into doing drugs or other bad things. Even in school nowadays, teachers are telling us this.

  I think that this article is very important. Mainly adults would read these types of articles because it concerns them most. "All of us adults- in our homes and in all our institutions, from daycare and kindergarten upward at all levels of education- must hold the emotional nurturance of children as the highest value. We must reclaim our kids from relying on each other." (Paragraph 23-24). That's a very important quote from the article. This article is trying to get parents to teach teenagers and especially young kids to follow the right path, so our future will be more friendly and safe. Then there will be fewer violent activities, and we will be more able to prevent them from happening.