Tuesday 16 October 2012

My Day in History with Nikola Tesla

   If I had the chance to spend a day in history with anyone, I would choose Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla was a very smart and educated man. He was a Serbian inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and physicist. Tesla is best known for his design of the modern alternating current (AC) electrical supply system. Nikola Tesla is one of the best scientists in the world! He is one of my idols, he inspires me to explore science. I am very interested in the kind of work he does and I am planning to do my science fair project on his experiments, such as the alternating current, or the radio.

  Tesla came up with so many great inventions and it's hard to choose which one I like the most, but one really caught my interest, the x-ray. I would choose to go back to the year of 1894, so I could learn about the x-ray and possibly help Nikola Tesla build it. That would be awesome!
My dream is to go back in time, and work with  Nikola Tesla to create something new. A creation that he never thought of, or couldn't do because he died. I would help create something that could make us have a better future, with more advanced technology.

  We, Serbians, are very proud of what Nikola Tesla has accomplished and he is a very important figure to our people. Nikola Tesla worked in the United States and had a very big impact in North America due to his great inventions. I look up to Nikola Tesla for the great inventions he had made and for making our world a better place. That's why I dream about spending a day with him and experiencing how life was back then.

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