Recovery is meant to be all about Eminem's troubles in life. The lyrics talk about how he got out of depression and drug addiction. It's about him recovering, hence the album name, Recovery. Almost all of Eminem's songs in this album talk about his depression and drug addiction.
"Not Afraid," and "Talkin' 2 Myself," are two particular songs that I think represent the whole meaning of the album. In these songs, he talks about how he wants to become a new and better person. He regrets all the mistakes he made in his life, and tries to move on, knowing that his past will still follow him. A quote from Not Afraid: "This f***ing black cloud still follows me around but its time to exercise these demons these mother******s are doing jumping jacks now!"
In "Talkin' 2 Myself," he wants to prove to his fans that he's the best he can ever be. He's telling them to not give up on him yet, because he's got something great coming up.
What I like about Eminem so much, is that he sings from his soul. He talks about his past and emotions. Unlike many other rappers' lyrics, Eminem's are so meaningful and true. I think other rappers are jerks. They just talk about getting money and girls.
Many people may not like Eminem because of the fact that he swears a lot in his songs. However, Eminem uses swearing for emphasis.
He can't help always swearing. He had a terrible childhood, growing up in the Detroit ghetto. People around him would always swear, so he caught on to that, and now it's embedded in his vocabulary.
If you pay close attention to Eminem's lyrics, you'll realise how clever he is. The way he puts words together is mind-boggling. An example from Not Afraid:
"No if ands or buts don't try to ask him why or how can he
From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he's still s**ttin'
Whether he's on salary, paid hourly
Until he bows out or he s**t's his bowels out of him"
Although these particular lyrics are rather inappropriate, it's amazing how he's able to put all that together, and rhyme it so fast. As a child, Eminem was very good in English. I was reading about Eminem on the Internet, and it said that he would read the dictionary as a kid!
Originally, Eminem planned for Recovery to be a continuation of his previous album, Relapse (2009), however, the music on Recovery came out very different from Relapse. Recovery finds the real Eminem, as this is his best work yet. Unlike all his other albums, Recovery takes a more serious turn. Eminem finally declares that he wants to concentrate just on himself, his family and his music.
When I listen to Eminem's songs in Recovery, I feel inspired and motivated by the lyrics. Also, the sound of the music gets me into a great mood. It makes me feel like I can do anything. I feel stronger, and I only focus on myself. However, other songs express more of a sad mood. At times, the songs are depressing when you hear the types of things Eminem raps about.
Eminem does not only talk about his drug addiction and depression in this album. He also talks about his troubles in his relationships with women. "Love the Way You lie," "25 to Life," and "Space Bound" are three songs that are all about Eminem's past love life.
-(Space Bound by Eminem)
I think that "Not Afraid" is the best song of the album. He talks about his past with drug abuse, depression, and family problems. In this song, Eminem goes on to admit to some mistakes he made in his previous album: “And to the fans, I’ll never let you down again, I’m back/I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact/Let’s be honest, that last Relapse CD was eh/Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground/Relax, I ain’t going back to that now." "Not Afraid" is the most popular song of the whole album.
Eminem tries to portray an important message in Not Afraid, and I think it really gets across to people. His message is saying, for everyone who's been through the same things he went through, to follow him, and he'll lead them to a better place. The chorus of the song portrays the message:
" I’m not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
Well walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you’re not alone
Hola if you feel that you’ve been down the same road"
(Not Afraid by Eminem)-
In "Not Afraid" Eminem also talks about how he's trying to move on and become a better person. He regrets all the decisions he made in the past, and now realises what he should do. He willingly wants to change and become a new and improved person. "Not Afraid" portrays a lot of willpower and courage. I love this song because it gets me into a great mood, and makes me feel a lot more powerful. It helps me find great willpower and courage within, making me more focused on the things that I want to succeed in.
I think the worst part, or most unnecessary part of the album I should say, is the song "W.T.P" (White Trash Party). There's not much to say about this song, only that it doesn't really fit the mood of the album, and it doesn't have much meaning behind it. Now, I'm not saying I don't like this song, I just feel it shouldn't be a part of the album. "Recovery" is a serious album for the most part, but this type of song ruins the mood. Perhaps Eminem didn't know what to do with this song, so he just made it a part of Recovery. However, I don't think that was a good choice.
Overall, I really like Eminem's album Recovery. I think it is definitely his best work, and it is his most popular album. Recovery is all about Eminem's past history, his emotions, and how he resolved his problems. Before this album came out, I wasn't a huge fan of Eminem. I thought he was just one of the rappers. However, now I realise that Eminem is very unique and he is a great rapper. Eminem stands out from the other rappers, and not just because he's white. Obviously, Eminem wanted to come up with the best album ever, so he put a lot of hard work into it. Almost every single song in this album is perfect. This album really changed the way I felt about Eminem before and I hope he will come up with another great album.
Recovery shows a lot of improvement in Eminem's career as a rapper and song writer. I think he is the best rapper alive, and maybe even the best rapper of all time.
I rate this album a 9/10.
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