Tuesday 20 November 2012

Is there other life in this big universe?

  I believe that we humans, are not the only ones living in this enormous universe. Everyone always asks themselves, are there other people in space ( the universe, more specifically)? Well, its probably impossible to find out, but I think there is other life (related to humans or animals) somewhere because our universe is so BIG!!! I think there might be another version of humans on another planet, far away. Maybe that version of humans is more advanced than us. They might have a different physical appearance, or different way of living, or communicating. I always think to myself, it can't be possible that we're the only ones in this universe. Earth can't be the only planet that has life, out of a billion other planets. There are such vast distances between all the planets, that it is impossible to find any other life with our current technology. It is my personal belief that there is other life somewhere in the universe.

 The most common thing that people think of outer-space life is the existence of aliens.  Aliens is the term we use for outer-space living beings, yes, but many people think of aliens as ugly, slimy, deadly monsters. I believe that is just a myth. Aliens like that are only in science-fiction movies.
I was doing some research about whether there is life in space. Many opinions came up. Some people said no, some people said yes. Some people have a religious point of view on this topic. They may believe that God created new life, or something. This topic brings up a good argument. Like I said before, its about your personal belief. There are no scientific answers that can determine for sure whether there is other life in our universe.

Living things are not only things that we can see, like animals or humans. Living things also includes microscopic organisms that are invisible to the naked eye. There's probably trillions of bacteria all over other planets, but that's not what we're looking for. We're looking for intelligent life, like humans. The questions is, "...do you think there is other intelligent life in the universe?..."
Everyone has a different perspective on this topic, and there is no right answer. There are millions of possibilities of what there could be in the universe, because everyone has a creative mind and a different way of thinking. That's why this topic brings up a good argument. But, its about my opinion, and I believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe.

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