Sunday 11 November 2012

My Advanced Abilities

  If I could change something about myself, I would change my strength. I would want to increase my strength to become very muscular, stronger and faster. By increasing my strength, I would also do better in most sports, such as basketball, or even running. Strength is not only about weight lifting. Strength would also help me become a better athlete, and benefit me in daily life activities. Many things would be easier for me if I become physically stronger.

  Strength would not be the only thing I'd change about myself, for everyone has their unique differences, but nobody is perfect. I would also want to increase my intelligence. This would enable me to understand difficult challenges and I would be able to absorb a greater amount of  knowledge more quickly. If I was much smarter, everything would be done more easily. For example, homework could be done more quickly and I would always get good grades without worrying. This will give me more time to socialize and enjoy fun activities with my friends. I would have more time to work on other things outside of school, such as practising my piano and playing basketball. With advanced intelligence, in the future I would be able to get a great job.

 If I had these advanced abilities, this would make my life much easier, because I would be able to achieve a lot more than I already can. With my athletic capabilities I would be able to score many baskets in basketball, as well as perform better in other sports.
I would have a greater amount of knowledge, and with this, I would do much better in school and I would have more free time available to do the things I like. This is why I would want to change these two things about myself.

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